Since 2007 Vaninfo has been providing medical appointment bookings, travel arrangements and records retrieval services to Extended Health Care Insurance providers across Canada.


We locate the necessary medical experts from across Canada to arrange expedited medical appointments, as close to your client as possible.


Our commitment is to get your client to their destination safely and on time in the most cost effective way possible.

We are fully insured, licensed, secure.

Travel only

 Flat Rate*

  • Prepare quote
  • Arrange Hotel Bookings
  • Arrange Airline Bookings
  • Arrange Bus, Train, Ferry Bookings
  • Provide Taxi Vouchers
  • Provide Money Order or E-Transfer
  • Provide Status Letter to Requestor
  • Provide Confirmation Letter to Claimant
  • Provide Ongoing Contact during Travel
Medical Appointment only

 Flat Rate*

  • Prepare quote
  • Arrange Medical Appointment – IMA / IME / FCE / MRI etc.
  • Provide Status Letter to Requestor
  • Provide Confirmation Letter to Claimant
  • Provide Confirmation Letter to the Medical Service Provider
Travel AND Medical Appointment

 Flat Rate*

  • All of the Above
  • We provide a flat rate service fee to make it easier for you to establish your Medical Travel budget. For less complex assignments we are happy to adjust the fee as needed to suit your needs. All information is protected and confidential.

For inquiries regarding medical travel services, please contact us below